Steve Hammack has been teaching at Los Gatos High School since 1984. His primary teaching assignments during these years have been Physics and AP Biology.

Website Acknowledgements

Rome was not built in a day and neither was this website. Many people have helped in the development and evolution of this website since 2001. In alphabetical order they are:

Reeta Banerjee: Did substantial editing of all material created before June 2007.

Domenic Denicola: Wrote an amazing javascript for the print version of my lectures.

Nate Gardner: Helped with the physics portion of the current website.

George Haldin: Answered more technical questions than any other individual and has been the single most important behind-the-scenes person in making this website a success.

Sandy LaPlaca: Designed the current version of the website.

Al Luckow: Responsible for the orginal AP Biology website design from which the current design was inspired.

Jeanne Marie Rachlin and the now defunct Curriculum Committe at LGHS: Awarded me a grant that motivated me to begin developing this website when the school had no designated webserver or adequate technical support (pre-Charles Gallegos).

Steve Wozniak: Gave me my first version of Dreamweaver and a laptop to run the software, connected me with Al Luckow, hosted my first website on his server, and bought a domain name to host my site (www.apbio.org) until LGHS could finally do this for me.